8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Please contact us with any questions or requests regarding accessing resources from the LRC.
Librarian: Joshua Shulman, MLIS
Phone: 562-368-3146
Email: scuhslibrary@scuhs.edu
The Learning Resource Center (LRC) offers users a variety of information resources and services. We have a physical collection of circulating books, and a digital collection of e-books that includes a number of assigned and required textbooks. We have eight rooms that can accommodate group study sessions. Dry erase markers, chargers, anatomical models, and study guides are available for checkout in addition to books. Subscription databases provide access to journals, study guides, and audio/visual resources. We offer demonstrations and provide support to faculty and students in obtaining information resources.
The LRC provides access to over 100,000 e-books, including selected course textbooks. As of Fall 2023, the LRC provides access to approximately 80% of assigned, required Physician Assistant textbooks, 65% of assigned, required Doctor of Chiropractic textbooks, and 25% of assigned, required Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine textbooks.
The LRC provides access to over 14,000 journals, all accessible via various subscription databases that include Allied and Complementary Medicine, CIHAHL Ultimate, MEDLINE with Full Text, and SportDiscus. All databases our searchable using our EBSCO DISCOVERY Search portal.
Online tutoring is available to students via the Tutoring Services page (mySCU login required). Drop-in sessions are available seven days a week, with morning, afternoon, and evening sessions. Availability and subject specialties are listed beside and below the tutor's name. Please utilize this resource, whether you have a brief question, or require in-depth clarification. One-on-one tutoring is also available by appointment.
The Research and Writing LibGuide offers access to multiple resources designed to assist students in accessing articles, creating citations and reference pages, and adhering to APA guidelines. Assistance and demonstrations are also available. Please email SCUHSLibrary@scuhs.edu if you would like to schedule a one-on-one or small group information session related to research and writing.
When we do not have access to a specific subscription and you are unable to obtain a journal article, you can request an interlibrary loan. Articles can be requested in two ways. If you are using EBSCO DISCOVERY Service, click on the "Request this item through interlibrary loan" link under the article, fill out the required information, and submit the request. You can request articles using our Article Request Form as well. Please note that we are unable to guarantee delivery of interlibrary loans.
The SCU Learning Resource Center (LRC) provides educational resources and services to support learning at SCU. The LRC creates and maintains a productive environment conducive to thought, learning and study for members of the academic community.
The LRC is committed to the safety of all users and takes seriously its obligation to manage disruptive behavior quickly and professionally. Please contact an LRC staff member if you need assistance. If necessary, they will call campus security.
Failure to comply with these policies may result in students being asked to leave the LRC. Repeated offenses can result in a permanent ban from the LRC.