CanvasThis link will take you to your courses in Canvas
SCU WikiThis site contains over 1000 video clips of examination procedures, adjusting and soft tissue techniques, exercise rehabilitation and active care resources.
The ultimate goal is for the wiki site to be an online resource for the students' to access anywhere.
Atlas of Normal Roentgen Variants That May Simulate Disease 9th by Mark W. Anderson; Theodore E. KeatsSeeing is believing with the Atlas of Normal Roentgen Variants That May Simulate Disease, edited by the late Theodore Keats and Mark W. Anderson. Now streamlined into a more concise, portable print format, with a wealth of additional content online, this medical reference book's thousands of images capture the roentgenographic presentation of a full range of normal variants and pseudo-lesions that may resemble pathologic conditions, helping you avoid false positives. You'd be hard pressed to find a comparable image collection in any one place online. Make the correct diagnosis with hundreds of MR and CT correlations. Recognize the entire spectrum of normal variants with over 6,000 images, the largest collection available on this topic. Prepare for the pitfalls of the oral exam with an easily accessible text that's designed to help you avoid false positives. Find the most essential content more quickly with a much more compact print volume that covers only the most important skeletal presentations. Access the complete contents of the book online at, plus Complete coverage of soft tissues Hundreds of additional skeletal images Browse the best collection of normal variants in the world!
Call Number: R2 Digital Library - Limited 1 Simultaneous User
ISBN: 9780323073554
Publication Date: 2012-05-16
Basic and Clinical Pharmacology 15e by Bertram G. Katzung; Anthony J. TrevorMaster key pharmacological concepts and practices with the most comprehensive, authoritative guide available Presented in full-color and packed with hundreds of illustrations, Basic and Clinical Pharmacology is the wide-ranging, engaging guide students have counted on for decades. Organized to reflect the course sequence in many pharmacology courses and in integrated curricula, the guide covers the important concepts students need to know about the science of pharmacology and its application to clinical practice. This edition has been extensively updated to provide expanded coverage of transporters, pharmacogenomics, and new drugs Delivers the knowledge and insight needed to excel in every facet of pharmacology!. Encompasses all aspects of medical pharmacology, including botanicals and over-the-counter drugs Major revisions of the chapters on immunopharmacology, antiseizure, antipsychotic, antidepressant, antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral drugs, prostaglandins, and central nervous system neurotransmitters New chapter on the increasingly relevant topic of cannabis pharmacology Each chapter opens with a case study, covers drug groups and prototypes, and closes with summary tables and diagrams that encapsulate important information Revised full-color illustrations provide more information about drug mechanisms and effects and help clarify important concepts Trade Name/Generic Name tables are provided at end of each chapter for easy reference when writing a chart order or prescription Includes descriptions of important new drugs released through May 2019 New and updated coverage of general concepts relating to recently discovered receptors, receptor mechanisms, and drug transporters
Bates' Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking 13th by Lynn S. BickleyMaster the techniques for successful physical examinations with the #1 choice for complete, authoritative guidance. This highly regarded text includes fully illustrated, step-by-step techniques that outline the correct performance of the physical examination and an easy-to-follow two-column format that correlates examination techniques on the left and abnormalities (clearly indicated in red) with differential diagnoses on the right. NEW! Expanded Unit 1 provides an overview of the components of the patient encounter and helps you ensure the most effective information-gathering and decision-making approaches. NEW! Key terms are bolded in chapters and correspond to an online glossary with definitions. UPDATED! Expanded coverage of special populations familiarizes you with important approaches for persons who identify as LGBTQ, persons with physical disabilities, and diverse populations throughout the life cycle. UPDATED! Restructured Regional Exam chapters enhance your understanding of overview material, examination techniques, and health promotion and counseling considerations. UPDATED! Photographs, illustrations, and references reinforce key content based on the latest evidence-based information. UPDATED! Text boxes are numbered to provide quick access to important summaries of clinical conditions and tips for challenging examination techniques. Clinical pearls, printed in blue, highlight key points at a glance. Detailed, highly illustrated tables of abnormal conditions display examination and clinical information in an easy-to-find, quick-reference format at the end of each chapter. Lippincott® Connect features: Lifetime access to the digital version of the book with the ability to highlight and take notes on key passages for a more personal, efficient study experience. Carefully curated resources, including interactive diagrams, video tutorials, flashcards, organ sounds, and self-assessment, all designed to facilitate further comprehension. Lippincott® Connect also allows users to create Study Collections to further personalize the study experience. With Study Collections you can: Pool content from books across your entire library into self-created Study Collections based on discipline, procedure, organ, concept or other topics. Display related text passages, video clips and self-assessment questions from each book (if available) for efficient absorption of material. Annotate and highlight key content for easy access later. Navigate seamlessly between book chapters, sections, self-assessments, notes and highlights in a single view/page.
Call Number: LWW Health Library: Unlimited Simultaneous Users
ISBN: 9781496398178
Publication Date: 2020-08-26
Bates' Pocket Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking 9th by Lynn S. BickleyThis updated ninth edition of the leading medical physical examination pocket guide available today provides concise, authoritative guidance on how to perform the patient interview, physical examination, and other core assessments. This trusted pocket-sized reference includes fully illustrated, step-by-step techniques, retaining the easy-to-follow two-column format that correlates examination techniques on the left and abnormalities (clearly indicated in red) with differential diagnoses on the right. Now featuring an enhanced design, new content, and new student-friendly learning aids, Bates' Pocket Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking, Ninth Edition, is the ideal quick-reference resource for today's medical, PA, pharmacy, and nursing students. NEW! Expanded Unit 1 provides an overview of the components of the patient encounter and helps you ensure the most effective information-gathering and decision-making approaches. NEW! Algorithms provide helpful starting approaches for patients with common presenting symptoms. UPDATED! Restructured Regional Exam chapters enhance your understanding of overview material, examination techniques, and health promotion and counseling considerations. UPDATED! Photographs, illustrations, and references reinforce key content based on the latest evidence-based information. UPDATED! Text boxes are numbered to provide quick access to important summaries of clinical conditions and tips for challenging examination techniques. Detailed, highly illustrated tables of abnormal conditions display examination and clinical information in an easy-to-find, quick-reference format. Lippincott® Connect features: Lifetime access to the digital version of the book with the ability to highlight and take notes on key passages for a more personal, efficient study experience. Carefully curated resources, including interactive diagrams, video tutorials, flashcards, organ sounds, and self-assessment, all designed to facilitate further comprehension. Lippincott® Connect also allows users to create Study Collections to further personalize the study experience. With Study Collections you can: Pool content from books across your entire library into self-created Study Collections based on discipline, procedure, organ, concept or other topics. Display related text passages, video clips and self-assessment questions from each book (if available) for efficient absorption of material. Annotate and highlight key content for easy access later. Navigate seamlessly between book chapters, sections, self-assessments, notes and highlights in a single view/page.
Call Number: LWW Health Library: Unlimited Simultaneous Users
ISBN: 9781975109875
Publication Date: 2020-11-25
Before We Are Born: Essentials of Embryology and Birth Defects 9th by Keith L. Moore; T. V. N. Persaud; Mark G. TorchiaAs the study of embryology continues to be integrated with a range of disciplines, Before We Are Born remains the ideal solution for students who need to quickly learn the basics. Fully updated by the world's foremost embryologists, this medical reference book provides concise guidance on human embryology at every stage of development, utilizing rich illustrations and photographs designed to further explain content. Understand all of the latest advances in embryology, including normal and abnormal embryogenesis, causes of birth defects, and the role of genes in human development. See how discoveries in molecular biology have affected clinical practice, including the development of sophisticated new techniques such as recumbent DNA technology and stem cell manipulation. Prepare for the USMLE Step 1 with clinical case presentations, highlighted in special boxes, which demonstrate how embryology concepts relate to clinical practice. Quickly review just the embryology information you need to know, masterfully distilled from the popular book The Developing Human, written by the same author team. Understand the complex concepts inherent in embryology with help from streamlined content, didactic illustrations, and clinical photos. Test your knowledge with brand-new review questions at the end of each chapter. Searchable, portable, shareable, and perpetual, this Student Consult title offers enhanced features that allow you to interact with your content like never before.
Call Number: ProQuest Ebook Central - Limited 3 Simultaneous Users
ISBN: 9780323393942
Publication Date: 2017-03-29
Bontrager's Textbook of Radiographic Positioning and Related Anatomy 9th by John Lampignano; Leslie E. KendrickMaster radiographic positioning with this comprehensive, user-friendly text. Focusing on one projection per page, Bontrager's Textbook of Radiographic Positioning and Related Anatomy, 9th Edition includes all of the positioning and projection information you need to know in a clear, bulleted format. Positioning photos, radiographic images, and radiographic overlays, presented side-by-side with the explanation of each procedure, show you how to visualize anatomy and produce the most accurate images. Updated to reflect the latest ARRT competencies and ASRT curriculum guidelines, it features more than 200 of the most commonly requested projections to prepare you for clinical practice. Labeled radiographs (radiographic overlays) identify key radiographic anatomy and landmarks to help you recognize anatomy and determine if you have captured the correct diagnostic information on your images. Positioning chapters, organized with one projection per page, present a manageable amount of information in an easily accessible format. Unique page layout with positioning photos, radiographic images, and radiographic overlays presented side-by-side with the text explanation of each procedure to facilitate comprehension and retention. Pathologic Indications list and define the pathologies most likely to be encountered during procedures covered in each chapter to help you understand the whole patient and improve your ability to produce radiographs that make diagnosis easy for the physician. Pathology Demonstrated sections explain why a particular projection is needed, or what pathology might be demonstrated, to give you a larger frame of reference and a better understanding of the reasoning behind each projection. Radiographic Criteria on positioning pages provide standards for evaluating the quality of each radiograph, helping you develop a routine for evaluating radiographic quality. Pediatric Applications prepare students for clinical success - and prepare technologists to deal competently with the special needs of their pediatric patients. Geriatric Applications include general information on positioning techniques and patient handling for geriatric patients, fostering an understanding of the challenges these patients present to the technologist. Critique Radiographs demonstrate positioning errors and help you avoid similar errors in clinicals. Instructor resources include an accompanying Evolve website with PowerPoint slides, an image collection, and a test bank to help instructors prepare for class. Student resources include a workbook and handbook to help you better understand and retain complicated material. NEW! Updated art visually demonstrates the latest digital technology used in radiography with approximately 250 new radiographs, positioning, and equipment images. NEW and UPDATED! Increased emphasis on radiation safety practices arms you with the information you need to know to succeed in clinical practice. NEW! Obese Patient Considerations include general information on positioning techniques and positioning modifications for obese patients to show you how to position this subset of patients accurately. UPDATED! Reflects the latest ARRT competencies and ASRT curriculum guidelines to prepare you for boards and clinical practice. UPDATED! Completely revamped surgical procedures chapter reflects current ARRT competencies and ASRT curriculum guidelines. UPDATED! Routine and Special Procedures sections moved to an appendix so you can refer to this necessary material quickly and efficiently.
Call Number: ProQuest Ebook Central - Limited 3 Simultaneous Users
ISBN: 9780323399661
Publication Date: 2017-03-23
Cellular and Molecular Immunology 9th by Abul K. Abbas; Andrew H. H. Lichtman; Shiv PillaiThe top required and recommended immunology text worldwide, Cellular and Molecular Immunology by Drs. Abul K. Abbas, Andrew H. H. Lichtman, and Shiv Pillai, is a clear, well-written, and superbly illustrated introduction to the field. The 9th Edition retains a practical, clinical focus while updating and revising all content to ensure clarity and comprehension, bringing readers fully up to date with new and emerging information in this challenging area. Highlights the implications of immunologic science for the management of human disease, emphasizing clinical relevance throughout. Provides a highly visual, full-color description of the key immunologic and molecular processes with a fully updated, comprehensive, and consistent art program. Helps readers grasp the details of experimental observations that form the basis for the science of immunology at the molecular, cellular, and whole-organism levels and draw the appropriate conclusions. Includes summary boxes that assist with rapid review and mastery of key material. Student ConsultT eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, references and animations, designed to produce a more rounded learning experience. Features updates from cover to cover, including tumor immunity (tumor antigens, cancer immunotherapy), immune checkpoints, cytosolic sensors for DNA, non-canonical inflammasomes, prionization as a signaling mechanism, monogenic defects in immunity, and more.
Call Number: ProQuest Ebook Central - Limited 3 Simultaneous Users
ISBN: 9780323479783
Publication Date: 2017-05-11
Chiropractic Technique: Principles and Procedures 3rd by Thomas F. Bergmann; David H. PetersonGeneral overview of the chiropractic profession -- Joint anatomy and basic biomechanics -- Joint assessment principles and procedures -- Principles of adjustive technique -- The spine : anatomy, biomechanics, assessment, and adjustive techniques -- Extraspinal techniques -- Nonthrust procedures : mobilization, traction, and soft tissue techniques.
Call Number: R2 Digital Library - Limited 2 Simultaneous Users
ISBN: 9780323049696
Publication Date: 2010-05-28
Clinical Anatomy of the Spine, Spinal Cord, and ANS 3rd by Gregory D. Cramer; Susan A. DarbyWith its unique clinical perspective and evidence-based coverage, Clinical Anatomy of the Spine, Spinal Cord, and ANS is the definitive reference for applying anatomic considerations to the evaluation and management of conditions of the spine and associated neural structures, including spinal impingement and subluxation. High-quality color illustrations and photographs, as well as abundant radiographs, CT, and MRI images, visually demonstrate specific anatomic and neuromusculoskeletal relationships and highlight structures that may be affected by manual and surgical spinal techniques or other diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.
Call Number: R2 Digital Library - Limited 6 Simultaneous Users
ISBN: 9780323079549
Publication Date: 2013-02-18
Clinical Imaging: With Skeletal, Chest, & Abdominal Pattern Differentials 3rd by Dennis MarchioriClinical Imaging by Dennis Marchiori is a comprehensive text with a clear, concise writing style that allows students and practitioners to quickly develop a better understanding of diagnostic imaging. Covering soft tissue imaging and skeletal imaging, including brain and spinal cord, chest, and abdomen, seamlessly integrates plain film with MRI and CT. And with more than 3,500 illustrations all contained in one volume, this trusted text offers the most effective, realistic and comprehensive approach available today. "For students who need to get up to speed with abnormal radiographic appearances this book is a good start." Reviewed by RAD Magazine, Jan 2015 Combines the innovative pattern approach with more traditional detailed descriptions to emulate real-world patient interaction without sacrificing more in-depth content on disease states. Innovative Pattern Approach uses the patterns that link similar abnormalities to help you learn to identify, and just as importantly, differentiate abnormalities. Extensive cross-referencing from pattern to disease descriptions enables the reader to quickly find more detailed information. Dedicated chapter on the key subject of radiology physics, including algorithms for improving film quality. A glossary of nearly 500 radiological terms. NEW! Over 800 new or updated images. NEW! State-of-the-art MRI images deliver more comprehensive content for this growing field within imaging. NEW! Updated photographs familiarize you with radiographic positioning equipment. NEW! Clearer, more detailed line art visually reinforces your understanding of new concepts. NEW! Additional contributors provide fresh perspectives on important topics and trends.
Call Number: LWW Health Library: Unlimited Simultaneous Users
ISBN: 9781975154066
Publication Date: 2022-03-25
Clinical Neuroanatomy, 29th by Stephen G. WaxmanA comprehensive, color-illustrated guide to neuroanatomy and its functional and clinical applications Engagingly written and extensively illustrated, Clinical Neuroanatomy, Twenty-Ninth Edition gets you up to speed on neuroanatomy, its functional underpinnings, and its relationship to the clinic. You'll learn everything you need to know about the structure and function of the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves. This authoritative guide illustrates clinical presentations of disease processes involving specific structures, explores the relationship between neuroanatomy and neurology, and reviews advances in molecular and cellular biology and neuropharmacology as related to neuroanatomy. The book is packed with case studies and hundreds of visuals--including CT and MRI scans, block diagrams showing muscle actions, root-by-root and nerve-by-nerve images of sensory areas and muscle intervention, and more--to help you retain critical information. Essential for board review or as a clinical refresher, Clinical Neuroanatomy features: * More than 300 full-color illustrations * An introduction to clinical thinking that puts neuroanatomy in clear clinical perspective * A discussion of the latest advances in molecular biology and cellular biology in the context of neuroanatomy * Numerous CT and MRI scans * Block diagrams illustrating actions of each muscle (essential for the clinical motor examination) * Hundreds of diagrams and tables encapsulating important information * Summary listings at the end of each chapter * Clear and memorable root-by-root and nerve-by-nerve illustrations of sensory areas and muscle intervention * Coverage of the basic structure and function of the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves as well as clinical presentations of disease processes involving specific structures * Appendices including The Neurologic Examination, Testing Muscle Function, Spinal Nerves and Plexuses, and Questions and Answers * Case studies demonstrating how concepts apply to real-world clinical situations * All the must-know concepts, facts, and structures, and more * A complete practice exam to assess your knowledge
CURRENT Medical Diagnosis and Treatment 2024 by Monica Gandhi; Maxine A. Papadakis; Stephen J. McPhee; Michael W. Rabow; Kenneth R. McQuaidThe #1 annually updated general medical text--presents the most important diagnostic and treatment recommendations as well as the most useful new clinical developments in every field of adult medicine. For more than six decades, CURRENT Medical Diagnosis & Treatment has been delivering the authoritative information students, residents, and clinicians need to build their medical knowledge, expertise, and confidence. Written by top experts in their fields, this unmatched guide is formatted in a way that enables readers to find the answers they need quickly and easily. CURRENT Medical Diagnosis & Treatment 2024 reflects the latest developments in medicine, guidelines, references, and more. You'll find authoritative, evidence-based coverage of more than 1,000 diseases and disorders along with a concise, yet thorough synopsis of diagnosis and treatment. This trusted classic covers all aspects of outpatient and inpatient care and includes discussion of new developments and breakthroughs in medicine. CURRENT Medical Diagnosis & Treatment 2024 features: A comprehensive approach to patient care, focusing on the diagnostic tools relevant to daily practice Coverage of more than 1,000 diseases and disorders Hundreds of drug treatment tables for quick access to indexed trade names Annual updates to topics in all chapters in a consistent format, drugs, tables, and images Year in Review highlighting the many topics with significant clinical changes over the last year Essentials of Diagnosis for most diseases/disorders Diagnostic and treatment algorithms present complex information in an at-a-glance style Hundreds of full-color photos and illustrations New to this edition: Latest USPSFT recommendations for cardiovascular risk prevention Significant new opioid prescribing guidelines from the CDC Clarification on the distinction between uncontrolled hypertensive and hypertension emergency Latest classification of lymphomas released by the WHO Recommendations for the initiation and titration of treatment for chronic hypertension in pregnancy Current treatment guidelines and medications for H pylori infection Classification of the role, dosing, and potential risks of JAK inhibitors and anti-23 antibody (Risankizumab) in the treatment of IBD Updates that underscore the growing utility of combination treatments for high LDL levels, especially among high and very high-risk patients The WHO revision of the pathological classification of renal cell carcinoma to assist with prognosis prediction and treatment decisions
Differential Diagnosis and Management for the Chiropractor 5th by Thomas A. Souza; Aruna D'SouzaThe Fifth Edition of this best-selling reference is a compendium of evidence-based approaches to the most common presenting complaints. Covering both musculoskeletal and visceral complaints, this text is intended to direct the chiropractor toward an appropriate plan of approach in both diagnostic evaluation and care. Highlighting these approaches are flowcharts (algorithms), relevant historical questioning, and summaries of common conditions related to the presenting complaint.
Call Number: R2 Digital Library - Limited 3 Simultaneous Users
ISBN: 9781284022308
Publication Date: 2014-10-10
Essentials of Skeletal Radiology 3rd by Terry R. Yochum (Editor); Lindsay J. Rowe (Editor)The fully updated Third Edition of this successful text covers the full spectrum of radiology, continuing its tradition of excellence. Useful both as a learning tool across the chiropractic curriculum and as a reference and clinical aid to practitioners, the text helps readers distinguish key radiologic features—invaluable in clinical decision making.
This edition incorporates the latest imaging technologies—including SPECT bone scan, diagnostic ultrasound, helical 3D CT, and MRI—and features more than 4,500 images obtained with state-of-the-art techniques. Coverage includes new chapters on soft-tissue imaging and paraspinal abnormalities and more information on sports-related injuries.
Call Number: ProQuest Ebook Central - Unlimited Simultaneous Users
ISBN: 9780781739467
Publication Date: 2004-08-03
Fitzpatrick's Color Atlas, 8th Ed by Klaus Wolff; Richard Allen Johnson; Arturo P. Saavedra; Ellen K. RohPublisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. INCLUDES DOWNLOADABLE VIDEOS AVAILABLE AT: A Doody's Core Title for 2019! More than 1,000 full-color photographs speed diagnosis of the dermatologic conditions most often encountered in primary care One of the bestselling dermatology books in the world, this quick-reference clinical guide has virtually defined the field for thousands of physicians, dermatology residents, and medical students for more than three decades. Spanning the entire spectrum of skin problems, Fitzpatrick's Color Atlas and Synopsis of Clinical Dermatology, Eighth Edition combines laser-precise color images of skin lesions along with an overview of epidemiology and pathophysiology, and detailed information on diagnosis and treatment. Features: * Approximately 1083 full-color images, with more than 40% new to this edition * A color-coded 4-part organization facilitates review at a glance and includes helpful icons denoting the incidence and morbidity of the disease * ICD-10 codes are included for each disease * Thoroughly updated coverage of etiology, pathogenesis, management, and therapy * Many images highlight skin disease in different ethnic populations If you've been looking for a unique combination text, clinical reference, and color atlas that spans the entire field of dermatology, and has been trusted by thousands of clinicians and students, your search ends here.
Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology by John E. HallThe 13th edition of Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology continues this bestselling title's long tradition as the world's foremost medical physiology textbook. Unlike other textbooks on this topic, this clear and comprehensive guide has a consistent, single-author voice and focuses on the content most relevant to clinical and pre-clinical students. The detailed but lucid text is complemented by didactic illustrations that summarize key concepts in physiology and pathophysiology. Larger font size emphasizes core information around how the body must maintain homeostasis in order to remain healthy, while supporting information and examples are detailed in smaller font and highlighted in pale blue. Summary figures and tables help quickly convey key processes covered in the text. Bold full-color drawings and diagrams. Short, easy-to-read, masterfully edited chapters and a user-friendly full-color design. Brand-new quick-reference chart of normal lab values on the inside back cover. Increased number of figures, clinical correlations, and cellular and molecular mechanisms important for clinical medicine. Student Consult eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience includes the complete text, interactive figures, references, plus 50 self-assessment questions and more than a dozen animations.
Call Number: R2 Digital Library - Limited 1 Simultaneous User
ISBN: 9781455770052
Publication Date: 2015-05-20
Harper's Illustrated Biochemistry 31st by P. Anthony Weil; Victor W. Rodwell; David Bender; Kathleen M. Botham; Peter J. KennellyPublisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. Gain a full understanding of the principles of biochemistry as it relates to clinical medicine A Doody's Core Title for 2020! The Thirty-First Edition of Harper's Illustrated Biochemistry continues to emphasize the link between biochemistry and the understanding of disease states, disease pathology, and the practice of medicine. Featuring a full-color presentation and numerous medically relevant examples, Harper's presents a clear, succinct review of the fundamentals of biochemistry that every student must understand in order to succeed in medical school. All 58 chapters help you understand the medical relevance of biochemistry: * Full-color presentation includes more than 600 illustrations * Case studies emphasize the clinical relevance of biochemistry * NEW CHAPTER on Biochemistry of Transition Metals addresses the importance and overall pervasiveness of transition metals * Review Questions follow each of the eleven sections * Boxed Objectives define the goals of each chapter * Tables encapsulate important information * Every chapter includes a section on the biomedical importance of a given topic NEW TO THIS EDITION: * Emphasis throughout on the integral relationship between biochemistry and disease, diagnostic pathology, and medical practice * Hundreds of references to disease states throughout * New chapter addressing the biochemical roles of transition metals * Many updated review questions * Frequent tables summarizing key links to disease states * New text on cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) * Cover picture of the protein structure of the Zika virus, solved by cryo-EM Applauded by medical students and online reviewers for its currency and engaging style, Harper's Illustrated Biochemistry is essential for USMLE® review and the single-best reference for learning the clinical relevance of any biochemistry topic.
An Introduction to Community and Public Health 9th by James F. McKenzie; Robert R. Pinger; Denise SeabertWith an emphasis on developing the knowledge and skills necessary for a career in health education and health promotion, this best-selling introductory text covers such topics as epidemiology, community organizations, program planning, minority health, mental health, environmental health, drug use and abuse, safety, and occupational health. A robust pedagogy and enhanced digital learning component encourages students to understand and retain community health issues and better prepare for their future careers.NEW! - Includes new information about the impact of the Affordable Care Act on family planningNEW! - Provides the latest information on preconception health care and counseling which are relative new foci for pregnancy healthNEW! - Includes an updated discussion on vaccine safety and non-vaccination due to religious and philosophical exceptions which affect vulnerable populationNEW! - Includes new information on the relationship of mental health to general health,NEW! - Incorporates the latest information on new law enforcement policies regarding how to handle people with mental health crisesEXPANDED! - Updated information on electronic or e-cigarettes, abuse of opioid pain relievers, and the move by some states to legalize the use of marijuana for medical or recreational usesEXPANDED! - The latest information on barriers to prenatal care and the importance of nutrition and vitamin supplementation during pregnancyEXPANDED & REVISED--Chapter 14 Community Health and the Environment has been thoroughly revised and updated. New information has been included about mold as an indoor pollutant, runoff and lead as water pollutants, complex disasters, the Zika virus, and emergency preparedness and response. In addition, a new box on the Flint, Michigan, drinking water crisis has been included
Introduction to Research: Understanding and Applying Multiple Strategies 5th by Elizabeth DePoy; Laura N. GitlinBridge the gap between research and practice with DePoy and Gitlin's Introduction to Research: Understanding and Applying Multiple Strategies, 4th Edition. This completely updated, user-friendly text helps you better understand not only the research process, but also research designs and their applications to the real world of clinical practice. Covering multiple research strategies (including both qualitative and quantitative research), it gives you a balanced approach to various research traditions, addressing the key issues that are emerging in today's health care environment. Case examples provide real-life snapshots of what it is like to participate in different types of research processes, identify research dilemmas relevant to chapter subjects, and alert you to problems you might encounter. Authors make the topics more accessible, so research becomes more relevant - and topics come to life. Covers experimental-type, naturalistic, and mixed method design strategies to improve your ability to compare, contrast, and integrate different methods. Presents complex information clearly in a highly readable, and easy-to-understand, manner. Includes detailed discussions of qualitative and quantitative methodologies, a unique and balanced focus that makes this text more comprehensive than others in its field. NEW! Up-to-date research methods, strategies, and references, like digital sources, visual methods, and geographical analysis, give you the latest information on research in diverse areas of health and human services.
Call Number: ProQuest Ebook Central - Unlimited Simultaneous Users
ISBN: 9780323261715
Publication Date: 2015-03-10
Joint Structure and Function: A Comprehensive Analysis 5th by Pamela K. Levangie; Cynthia C. NorkinPrepares you to evaluate and treat human movement disorders with lucid discussions of biomechanics, joint structure, connective tissue behavior, and muscle physiology. Features an evidence-based approach that applies current research to illustrate and prepares you for the complexity that evidence-based content brings to practice. Focuseson the continuum of normal structure and function to show how deviations from normal may create or underlie disordered movement or dysfunction. Enhances your comprehension of content with end-of-chapter questions. Illustrates real-world application using Patient Cases and Case Application that show you WHY they need to understand the principles presented and the close link between normal and abnormal musculoskeletal function. Highlights key points with Concept Cornerstone boxes and periodic summaries. Promotes critical thinking on controversial topics through Continuing Exploration boxes.
Call Number: Ebsco DISCOVERY - Limited (325)
ISBN: 9780803623620
Publication Date: 2011-03-09
Junqueira's Basic Histology: Text and Atlas, Sixteenth Edition by Anthony L. MescherPublisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. This user-friendly text and atlas combination is filled with clear explanations, art, and micrographs to elucidate key concepts and facilitate learning For more than four decades, this trusted classic has been considered the hands-down best overview of human tissue structure and function. Accessible yet comprehensive, Junqueiras Basic Histology provides everything you need to know about cell biology and histology, integrating the material with that of biochemistry, immunology, endocrinology, and physiology; it provides an excellent foundation for subsequent studies in pathology. It covers all tissues, every organ system, organs, bone and cartilage, blood, skin, and more. Formatted in a way that optimizes the learning process, Junqueira's explains how to study the structures of cells and tissues; the cell cytoplasm and nucleus; and the four basic tissue types and their role in the organ systems. Each chapter includes multiple-choice self-test questions enabling readers to assess their comprehension of important material; some questions utilizing clinical vignettes or cases to provide real-world relevance. Junqueira's is written specifically for students of medicine and other health-related professions, as well as for advanced undergraduate courses in tissue biology--and there is nothing else like it. Features: Self-test questions in every chapter Key points and summary tables highlight key content Clinical correlations presented with each topic Illustrations depict key aspects of cell biology and histology Electron and light micrographs deliver a definitive atlas of cell, tissue, and organ structures Valuable appendix explains light microscopy stains Lab manual alerts readers to see what they are actually reading about in real-life patients; enhanced lab manual available online Links to Junqueira micrographs
Kinesiology of the Musculoskeletal System: Foundations for Rehabilitation 3rd by Donald A. NeumannWith its focus on the normal and abnormal mechanical interactions between the muscles and joints of the body, Kinesiology of the Musculoskeletal System: Foundations for Rehabilitation, 3rd Edition provides a foundation for the practice of physical rehabilitation. This comprehensive, research-based core text presents kinesiology as it relates to physical rehabilitation in a clinically relevant and accessible manner. It provides students and clinicians with the language of human movement - and acts as a bridge between basic science and clinical management. Full-color anatomic and kinesiologic illustrations clearly demonstrate the anatomy, functional movement, and biomechanical principles underlying movement; and dynamic new video clips help you interpret new concepts with visual demonstration. More than 900 high-quality illustrations provide you with the visual accompaniments you need to comprehend the material. Clinical Connections boxes at the end of each chapter in Sections II through IV highlight or expand upon a particular clinical concept associated with the kinesiology covered in the chapter. Special Focus boxes interspersed throughout the text provide numerous clinical examples that demonstrate why kinesiologic information is needed. Critical thinking questions challenge you to review or reinforce the main concepts contained within each chapter. Evidence-based approach emphasizes the importance of research in physical therapy decision-making. Evolve site for students comes with video clips, answers to study questions, and references linked to Medline. Evolve site for instructors includes an image collection from the text, teaching tips, and lab activities. NEW! Kinesiology of Running chapter covers the biomechanics of running. NEW! Video clips help you interpret new concepts with visual demonstration. NEW! All-new content on the pelvic floor. NEW! Thoroughly updated references emphasize the evidence-based presentation of information in the text. NEW! QR codes linked to videos for easy viewing on mobile devices. NEW! Pageburst enhanced edition allows you to access multimedia content from the eBook without going to another website.
Call Number: Ebsco DISCOVERY - Limited 1 Simultaneous User
ISBN: 9780323266321
Publication Date: 2016-10-28
Langman's Medical Embryology 14th by T. W. SadlerVibrantly illustrated with full-color diagrams and clinical images, Langman's Medical Embryology , 14th Edition helps medical, nursing, and health professions students confidently develop a basic understanding of embryology and its clinical relevance. Concise chapter summaries, captivating clinical correlates boxes, clinical problems, and a clear, concise writing style make the subject matter accessible and engaging to students throughout their courses. Updated content reflects the latest clinical findings on the effects of the Zika virus, urogenital system disorders, and more. Clinical Correlates boxes tie clinically relevant content to case-based scenarios students may encounter in practice. More than 400 full-color illustrations, micrographs, and clinical images clarify key aspects of embryonic development. Problems to Solve with accompanying answers help assess student understanding. Chapter summaries and an expanded glossary reinforce understanding of key development stages, terms, and clinical conditions. Illustrated Development Chart provides visually guides students through the stages of embryonic development at a glance. Updated online review questions with answers help students test their understanding and identify areas of weakness. eBook available for purchase. Fast, smart, and convenient, today's eBooks can transform learning. These interactive, fully searchable tools offer 24/7 access on multiple devices, the ability to highlight and share notes, and more
Learning Clinical Reasoning 2nd by Jerome P. Kassirer; Richard I. Kopelman; John B. WongLearning Clinical Reasoning uses a case-based approach to teach students the basics of clinical reasoning. The first section explains the chief components of the clinical reasoning process, such as generating and refining diagnostic hypotheses, using and interpreting diagnostic tests, assembling a working diagnosis, therapeutic decision-making, and examining and applying evidence, and also includes a discussion of cognitive errors. The second section contains 69 cases in which clinicians "think out loud" about diagnostic and therapeutic dilemmas, and the authors critique these clinicians' reasoning. This edition has thirty new cases from the New England Journal of Medicine and other sources and expanded discussions of evidence-based medicine, clinical practice guidelines, and cognitive errors.
Call Number: LWW Health Library: Unlimited Simultaneous Users
ISBN: 9780781795159
Publication Date: 2009-09-19
Lippincott Illustrated Reviews: Biochemistry 8th by Emine E. Abali (Author), Susan D. Cline (Author), David S. Franklin (Author), Dr. Susan M. Viselli Ph.D. (Author)Selected as a Doody's Core Title for 2021! Praised by faculty and students for more than two decades, Lippincott® Illustrated Reviews: Biochemistry is the long-established go-to resource for mastering the essentials of biochemistry. This best-selling text helps students quickly review, assimilate, and integrate large amounts of critical and complex information, with unparalleled illustrations that bring concepts to life. Like other titles in the popular Lippincott® Illustrated Review Series, this text follows an intuitive outline organization and boasts a wealth of study aids that clarify challenging information and strengthen retention and understanding. This updated and revised edition emphasizes clinical application and features new exercises, questions, and accompanying digital resources to ready students for success on exams and beyond. NEW! Clinical Application boxes train students to confidently apply biochemistry in clinical scenarios. NEW! Cross-references to other Lippincott® Illustrated Reviews titles help students grasp how biochemical concepts relate to other basic sciences. UPDATED! Vibrant illustrations and detailed tables clarify complex biochemical concepts. NEW and UPDATED! Study Questions and Answers for each chapter test students' retention and strengthen their test-taking confidence. UPDATED! Integrative Case Studies with Review Questions familiarize students with commonly encountered clinical scenarios and alert them to potential widespread implications of presenting issues. NEW! Animations available on thePoint and within the VitalSource® eBook enhance students' understanding of biochemical concepts and processes with vivid detail and accuracy.
Call Number: LWW Health Library: Unlimited Simultaneous Users
ISBN: 9781975155063
Publication Date: 2021-04-20
Lippincott Illustrated Reviews: Pharmacology7th by Karen WhalenStudents' favorite review resource for studying the essentials of medical pharmacology, Lippincott® Illustrated Reviews: Pharmacology , Seventh Edition, presents up-to-date drug information in an accessible format ideal for a fast, effective refresher. Part of the popular Lippincott® Illustrated Reviews series, this concise resource features clear, effective writing and hundreds of illustrations that break down complex information for rapid review. Sequential images present mechanisms of action and focus on showing rather than telling students how drugs work, and review questions with answers deliver powerful, practical exam preparation. Updated drug information reflects the most current, clinically relevant pharmacology material. Approachable outline format distills complex information for easier review. High-quality illustrations reinforce understanding in vibrant detail. Enhanced review questions with answers test students' understanding and identify areas for further study. eBook available for purchase. Fast, smart, and convenient, today's eBooks can transform learning. These interactive, fully searchable tools offer 24/7 access on multiple devices, the ability to highlight and share notes, and more
Call Number: LWW Health Library: Unlimited Simultaneous Users
ISBN: 9781496384133
Publication Date: 2018-10-10
The Medical Interview: Mastering Skills for Clinical Practice 5th by John L. Coulehan; Marian R. Block; John Coulehan; Marian BlockEnhanced and reorganized material on the patient profile, lifestyle, substance abuse, and sexual history. New section on interviewing skills related to ethical and legal issues and how to deal with unanticipated adverse outcomes. Web-based interview organizer available at DavisPlus Cut-and-carry interview tips Two additional chapters Helping patients understand, interpret, and utilize material obtained on the Internet. More coverage of transparency in the medical interview. Handling difficult interview situations and difficult patients. How spirituality relates to healthcare and the clinician-patient interaction. Redesigned interview format for greater ease-of-use and clearer understanding.
Call Number: ProQuest Ebook Central - Unlimited Simultaneous Users
ISBN: 9780803612464
Publication Date: 2005-09-29
The Medical Interview: The Three Function Approach 3rd by Steven A. Cole; Julian BirdThe Medical Interview by Drs. Steven A. Cole and Julian Bird equips you to communicate effectively with your patients so you can provide optimal care! This best-selling, widely adopted resource presents a practical, systematic approach to honing your basic interviewing skills and managing common challenging communicating situations. Its Three-Function Approach - "Build the Relationship," "Assess and Understand," and Collaborative Management" offers straightforward tasks, behaviors, and skills that can be easily mastered, making this an ideal learning tool for beginners and a valuable reference for experienced healthcare professionals. Effectively meet a full range of communication challenges including language and cultural barriers, sexual issues, elderly patients, breaking bad news, and non-adherence. Easily apply proven techniques with help from supportive case examples and actual interview questions. Get the skills you need now with new chapters covering advanced topics and applications including "Presentation and Documentation," nonverbal communication, using psychological principles in medical practice, and integrating structure and function. Quickly review information with summary tables, boxes and bulleted lists. Get access on the go with the fully searchable text online at Student Consult, including cost-free access to a specially customized, interactive web-based Module on Brief Action Planning (BAP), a key component of the web-based, interactive Comprehensive Motivational Interventions (CMI)T e-learning platform.
Call Number: R2 Digital Library - Unlimited Simultaneous Users
ISBN: 97809111910421
Motivational Interviewing in Health Care: Helping Patients Change Behavior by Stephen Rollnick; William R. Miller; Christopher C. ButlerMuch of health care today involves helping patients manage conditions whose outcomes can be greatly influenced by lifestyle or behavior change. Written specifically for health care professionals, this concise book presents powerful tools to enhance communication with patients and guide them in making choices to improve their health, from weight loss, exercise, and smoking cessation, to medication adherence and safer sex practices. Engaging dialogues and vignettes bring to life the core skills of motivational interviewing (MI) and show how to incorporate this brief evidence-based approach into any health care setting. Appendices include MI training resources and publications on specific medical conditions. This book is in the Applications of Motivational Interviewing series, edited by Stephen Rollnick, William R. Miller, and Theresa B. Moyers.
Call Number: ProQuest Ebook Central - Limited 3 Simultaneous Users
ISBN: 9781593856120
Publication Date: 2007-11-07
Nolte's the Human Brain: An Introduction to its Functional Anatomy 7th by Todd Vanderah; Douglas J. GouldPopular for its highly visual and easy-to-follow approach, Nolte's The Human Brain helps demystify the complexities of the gross anatomy of the brain, spinal cord and brainstem. A clear writing style, interesting examples and visual cues bring this extremely complicated subject to life and more understandable. Get the depth of coverage you need with discussions on all key topics in functional neuroanatomy and neuroscience, giving you well-rounded coverage of this complex subject. Zero in on the key information you need to know with highly templated, concise chapters that reinforce and expand your knowledge. Develop a thorough, clinically relevant understanding through clinical examples providing a real-life perspective. Gain a greater understanding of every concept through a glossary of key terms that elucidates every part of the text; 3-dimensional brain. Acquaint yourself with the very latest advancements in the field with many illustrations using the most current neuroimaging techniques, reflecting recent developments and changes in understanding. Keep up with the latest knowledge in neural plasticity including formation, modification, and repair of connections, with coverage of learning and memory, as well as the coming revolution in ways to fix damaged nervous systems, trophic factors, stem cells, and more. NEW! Gauge your mastery of the material and build confidence with over 100 multiple choice questions that provide effective chapter review and quick practice for your exams. Student Consult eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, references, and videos from the book on a variety of devices.
Call Number: ProQuest Ebook Central - Limited 3 Simultaneous Users
Pathophysiology of Disease: an Introduction to Clinical Medicine 8E by Gary D. Hammer; Stephen J. McPheePublisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. A full-color case-based review of the essentials of pathophysiology covering all major organs and systems More than 130 case studies with Q&A A Doody's Core Title for 2019! The goal of this trusted text is to introduce you to clinical medicine by reviewing the pathophysiologic basis of 132 diseases (and associated signs and symptoms) commonly encountered in medical practice. The authors, all experts in their respective fields, have provided a concise review of relevant normal structure and function of each body system, followed by a description of the pathophysiologic mechanisms that underlie several common diseases related to that system. The accessible presentation features high-quality full-color illustrations, and numerous tables and diagrams. Each chapter of Pathophysiology of Disease concludes with a collection of case studies and questions designed to test your understanding of the pathophysiology of each clinical entity discussed. These case studies allow you to apply your knowledge to specific clinical situations. Detailed answers to each case study question are provided at the end of the book. This unique interweaving of physiological and pathological concepts will put you on the path toward thinking about signs and symptoms in terms of their pathophysiologic basis, giving you an understanding of the "why" behind illness and treatment. HERE ARE SOME OF THE MANY UPDATES AND ADDITIONS: * Twelve additional case studies, bringing the total to 132, one for each of the clinical entities discussed in the book's 24 chapters * More than 2/3 of the chapters are enhanced and refreshed by the input of new contributors * Totally revised chapter on neoplasia * New chapter sections on urticaria, spinocerebellar ataxia, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, and spondyloarthropathies * New tables summarizing adverse prognostic signs in acute pancreatitis, genetic syndromes associated with pancreatic cancer, and causes of end-stage renal disease * New diagnosis and etiologic classification of diabetes mellitus, and review of mechanisms of newest pharmacologic agents for its treatment * Updates on fine-needle aspiration biopsy of thyroid nodules, and thyroid disorders in pregnancy * Updated references throughout the book
Photographic Manual of Regional Orthopaedic and Neurological Tests 5th by Joseph J. CiprianoThe Photographic Manual of Regional Orthopaedic and Neurologic Tests describes in step-by-step fashion how to perform these tests. Each chapter begins with a decision tree of the orthopaedic examination of an anatomic area, followed by a brief description of the anatomic area, usually with an accompanying drawing. The presentation of each test begins with a clinical description and a box of clinical signs and symptoms, followed by a brief description of the procedure with a photograph demonstrating the position of the clinician and the patient. The author then presents a brief rationale for the test and suggests diagnostic imaging procedures where appropriate. An accompanying DVD demonstrates a typical examination"--Provided by publisher.
Call Number: R2 Digital Library - Limited 2 Simultaneous Users
ISBN: 9781605475950
Publication Date: 2010-11-23
Physical Agents in Rehabilitation: From Research to Practice 4th by Michelle H. CameronWith the latest research to support treatment choices, PHYSICAL AGENTS IN REHABILITATION, 4th Edition explains how, when, and why to apply physical agents in rehabilitation care. This valuable resource includes information on thermal agents, ultrasound, electrical currents, hydrotherapy, traction, compression, lasers, and other forms of electromagnetic radiation. Detailed explanations of how to integrate physical agents into your patients' overall rehabilitation plans make applying content easier, and useful information for providing answers to patients' questions make this book an excellent resource for patient education. Comprehensive coverage of all physical agents includes the benefits, correct applications, and issues related to thermal agents, hydrotherapy, traction, compression, ultrasound, electrical currents, and electromagnetic radiation. Clinical case studies help sharpen your decision-making skills regarding important treatment choices and effective applications. Up-to-date, evidence-based practices ensure you are using the best approach supported by research. Contraindications and Precautions boxes explain the safe use and application of physical agents with up-to-date warnings for optimum care paths. Clinical Pearl boxes emphasize the tips and tricks of patient practice. Application techniques in step-by-step, illustrated resource boxes help you provide safe and effective treatments. NEW! Video clips on companion Evolve site demonstrate techniques and procedures described in the text. NEW! Content specific to OTs has been added to the core text including upper extremity cases for all physical agent chapters. NEW! Organization of the text by agent type increases the book's ease of use. NEW! Expanded sections on thermal agents and electrical currents will give students a better understanding of how to use these types of agents in practice.
Call Number: ProQuest Ebook Central - Limited 3 Simultaneous Users
ISBN: 9781455728480
Publication Date: 2012-10-12
Radiologic Science for Technologists: Physics, Biology, and Protection 11th by Stewart C. BushongDevelop the skills you need to safely and effectively produce high-quality medical images with Radiologic Science for Technologists: Physics, Biology, and Protection, 11th Edition. Reorganized and updated with the latest advances in the field, this new edition aligns with the ASRT curriculum to strengthen your understanding of key concepts, and prepare you for success on the ARRT certification exam and in clinical practice. Firmly established as a core resource for medical imaging technology courses, this text gives you a strong foundation in the study and practice of radiologic physics, imaging and exposure, radiobiology, radiation protection, and more. Expanded coverage of radiologic science topics, including radiologic physics, imaging, radiobiology, radiation protection, and more, allows this text to be used over several semesters. Chapter introductions, summaries, outlines, objectives, and key terms help you to organize and pinpoint the most important information. Formulas, conversion tables, and abbreviations are highlighted for easy access to frequently used information. "Penguin" boxes recap the most vital chapter information. End-of-chapter questions include definition exercises, matching, short answer, and calculations to help you review material. Key terms and expanded glossary enable you to easily reference and study content. Highlighted math formulas call attention to key mathematical information for special focus. NEW! Chapters on Radiography/Fluoroscopy Patient Radiation Dose and Computed Tomography Patient Radiation Dose equip you to use the most current patient dosing technology. NEW! Streamlined physics and math sections ensure you're prepared to take the ARRT exam and succeed in the clinical setting.
Review of Medical Microbiology and Immunology, Seventeenth Edition by Warren E. Levinson; Peter Chin-Hong; Elizabeth A. Joyce; Jesse Nussbaum; Brian SchwartzAce your medical courses and pass the Boards with the most up-to-date review of medical microbiology and immunology! A Doody's Core Title for 2023! This trusted, popular guide provides a high-yield review of the most important aspects of microbiology and immunology in a concise yet comprehensive style. Review of Medical Microbiology and Immunology covers both basic and clinical aspects of bacteriology, virology, mycology, parasitology, and immunology. Important infectious diseases are discussed using an organ system approach. The effective mix of engaging narrative text, color images, tables, figures, Q&As, and clinical vignettes make this an invaluable, proven one-stop guide to mastering the application of microbiology and immunology to infectious diseases. This updated edition reflects the latest research, treatment, and developments, as well as a new chapter on COVID-19. Outstanding Tools for USMLE Studying: Facilitates any study objective or learning style Essential for USMLE review and medical microbiology coursework 654 USMLE-style practice questions test your knowledge Complete USMLE-style practice exam Pearls cover the basic science necessary for passing the USMLE 50 clinical cases illustrate the importance of basic science information in clinical diagnosis Concise summaries of medically important organisms Color images depict clinically important findings, such as infectious disease lesions Color micrographs of stained microorganisms Chapter-ending self-assessment questions and answers New chapter on COVID-19 with images
Review of Radiologic Physics 4th by Walter HudaNow revised to reflect the new, clinically-focused certification exams, Review of Radiological Physics, Fourth Edition , offers a complete review for radiology residents and radiologic technologists preparing for certification. . This new edition covers x-ray production and interactions, projection and tomographic imaging, image quality, radiobiology, radiation protection, nuclear medicine, ultrasound, and magnetic resonance - all of the important physics information you need to understand the factors that improve or degrade image quality. Each chapter is followed by 20 questions for immediate self-assessment, and two end-of-book practice exams, each with 100 additional questions, offer a comprehensive review of the full range of topics.Key Features Mirrors the current clinically relevant focus of the certification exams - the key information radiologists need to know to perform their clinical duties. Brand new, full color illustrations throughout the book enhance the learning experience Focuses on the radiological physics of x-rays (projection radiography, fluoroscopy, and CT), as well as nuclear medicine, ultrasound, and MR. Includes only the essential information needed to understand how images are created, aspects that impact image quality, and factors that affect radiation risks and costs. Features helpful appendices such as a summary of SI units, radiological units and photometric quantities, and more. An ideal physics review meant to be used in conjunction with a comprehensive textbook on medical imaging. Now with the print edition, enjoy the bundled interactive eBook edition, which can be downloaded to your tablet and smartphone or accessed online and includes features like: Complete content with enhanced navigation Powerful search tools and smart navigation cross-links that pull results from content in the book, your notes, and even the web Cross-linked pages, references, and more for easy navigation Highlighting tool for easier reference of key content throughout the text Ability to take and share notes with friends and colleagues Quick reference tabbing to save your favorite content for future use
Call Number: ProQuest Ebook Central - Unlimited Simultaneous Users
ISBN: 9781496325082
Publication Date: 2016-03-04
Robbins Basic Pathology 10th by Vinay Kumar; Abul K. Abbas; Jon C. AsterPart of the trusted Robbins and Cotran family, Robbins Basic Pathology provides a readable, well-illustrated and concise overview of the principles of human pathology that's ideal for today's busy students. This thoroughly revised edition continues with a strong emphasis on pathogenesis and the clinical features of disease, adding new artwork and more schematic diagrams to further aid in summarizing key pathologic processes and expand the already impressive illustration program. Excellent art program boasts high-quality photomicrographs, gross photos, and radiologic images to supplement the world-class illustrations. Bulleted summary boxes provide quick access to key information and easy review of key concepts. Highlights pathogenesis, morphology, and pathophysiologic content throughout. Includes increased and updated clinical topics. New artwork and more schematic diagrams summarize key pathologic processes. An all-star editorial team enables you to gain a rich understanding of all essential pathology concepts. Student Consult eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, and images from the book on a variety of devices. You'll also access virtual microscope slides, self-assessment questions, additional images, updated pathology case studies, and Targeted Therapy boxes.
Call Number: ProQuest Ebook Central - Limited 3 Simultaneous Users
ISBN: 9780323353175
Publication Date: 2017-03-28
Rubin's Pathology: Mechanisms of Human Disease 8th by David S. Strayer (Editor); Jeffrey E. Saffitz (Editor); Emanuel Rubin (Consultant Editor)With a simple approach to essential information, Rubin's Pathology: Mechanisms of Human Disease​ establishes the foundation for medical training and practice and delivers the perfect balance of basic pathology and bedside perspective to confidently and efficiently equip students for clinical success. More accessible than ever, this eighth edition emphasizes the coverage students need most--disease mechanisms, integration of mechanisms into organ system pathology, and application of pathobiology to diagnostic medicine--in an approachable format with systems-based instruction techniques in mind. Comprehensively revised and updated content reflects the latest approaches to pathology from global leaders in the field and ensures a clinically relevant understanding of key pathology competencies. Comprehensively revised coverage simplifies the essentials of pathology and ensures a clinically relevant understanding of key competencies and techniques. Updated content reflects the international expertise of some of the most innovative authorities on pathology. New systems-based instruction approach ensures a practical understanding of essential techniques. Approachable format makes learning engaging and efficient. More than 1700 images--line drawings, micrographs, and gross pathology images--clarify concepts in stunning detail. Bolded key terms and bulleted lists reinforce important information at a glance. Online resources provide instant access to 29 virtual microscopy videos narrated by Dr. Emanuel Rubin, cases, and suggested readings. eBook available. Fast, smart, and convenient, today's eBooks can transform learning. These interactive, fully searchable tools offer 24/7 access on multiple devices, the ability to highlight and share notes, and much more.
Call Number: LWW Health Library: Unlimited Simultaneous Users
ISBN: 9781496386144
Publication Date: 2019-10-30
Skeletal Imaging: Atlas of the Spine and Extremities 2nd by John A. M. Taylor; Donald L. Resnick; Tudor H. HughesUse this atlas to accurately interpret images of musculoskeletal disorders! Taylor, Hughes, and Resnick's Skeletal Imaging: Atlas of the Spine and Extremities, 2nd Edition covers each anatomic region separately, so common disorders are shown within the context of each region. This allows you to examine and compare images for a variety of different disorders. A separate chapter is devoted to each body region, with coverage of normal developmental anatomy, developmental anomalies and normal variations, and how to avoid a misdiagnosis by differentiating between disorders that appear to be similar. All of the most frequently encountered musculoskeletal conditions are included, from physical injuries to tumors to infectious diseases. Over 2,100 images include radiographs, radionuclide studies, CT scans, and MR images, illustrating pathologies and comparing them with other disorders in the same region. Organization by anatomic region addresses common afflictions for each region in separate chapters, so you can see how a particular region looks when affected by one condition as compared to its appearance with other conditions. Coverage of each body region includes normal developmental anatomy, fractures, deformities, dislocations, infections, hematologic disorders, and more. Normal Developmental Anatomy sections open each chapter, describing important developmental landmarks in various regions of the body from birth to skeletal maturity. Practical tables provide a quick reference to essential information, including normal developmental anatomic milestones, developmental anomalies, common presentations and symptoms of diseases, and much more. 400 new and replacement images are added to the book, showing a wider variety of pathologies. More MR imaging is added to each chapter. Up-to-date research includes the latest on scientific advances in imaging. References are completely updated with new information and evidence.
Therapeutic Exercise by Carolyn KisnerKisner & Colby offers the most up-to-date exercise guidelines for individualizing interventions for those with movement disorders.
Call Number: ProQuest Ebook Central - Unlimited Simultaneous Users
ISBN: 9780803638976
Publication Date: 2012-01-01
Travell, Simons and Simons' Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction: The Trigger Point Manual 3rd by David Simons; Janet G. Travell; Joseph M. Donnelly; César Fernández-de-las-peñas; MIchelle Finnegan; Jennifer L. FreemanThis new edition of Travell, Simons & Simons' groundbreaking work reflects the latest research and best practices associated with trigger points and updates the iconic pain point images that set the standard in the field. New lead editor Joseph M. Donnelly draws on his experience as both educator and physical therapy practitioner to integrate an evidence-based approach into this critical text. In addition, the new edition consolidates information to create a more intuitive user experience and features a completely new full color design to bring concepts to life. NEW! Consolidated: The previous edition's two volumes- Upper Extremities and Lower Extremities--have been consolidated into one accessible book. NEW! Updated research from around the world and coverage of the most current evidence-based treatments prepare readers for practice. UPDATED! More integrated presentation. Information on pain is now better integrated with information on pain treatment. UPDATED! In-text learning aids integrated throughout the text, including learning objectives, case studies, and Q&As, help students master the material and apply it to practice. eBook available for purchase. Fast, smart, and convenient, today's eBooks can transform learning. These interactive, fully searchable tools offer 24/7 access on multiple devices, the ability to highlight and share notes, and more
Call Number: ProQuest Ebook Central - Limited 3 Simultaneous Users
ISBN: 9780781755603
Publication Date: 2018-08-29
Weir and Abrahams' Imaging Atlas of Human Anatomy 5th by Jonathan D. Spratt; Lonie R. Salkowski; Marios Loukas; Tom Turmezei; Jamie Weir; Peter H. AbrahamsImaging is ever more integral to anatomy education and throughout modern medicine. Building on the success of previous editions, this fully revised fifth edition provides a superb foundation for understanding applied human anatomy, offering a complete view of the structures and relationships within the body using the very latest imaging techniques. ? It is ideally suited to the needs of medical students, as well as radiologists, radiographers and surgeons in training. It will also prove invaluable to the range of other students and professionals who require a clear, accurate, view of anatomy in current practice. Fully revised legends and labels and over 80% new images - featuring the latest imaging techniques and modalities as seen in clinical practice Covers the full variety of relevant modern imaging - including cross-sectional views in CT and MRI, angiography, ultrasound, fetal anatomy, plain film anatomy, nuclear medicine imaging and more - with better resolution to ensure the clearest anatomical views Unique new summaries of the most common, clinically important anatomical variants for each body region - reflects the fact that around 20% of human bodies have at least one clinically significant variant New orientation drawings - to help you understand the different views and the 3D anatomy of 2D images, as well as the conventions between cross-sectional modalities Now a more compete learning package than ever before, with superb new BONUS electronic enhancements embedded within the accompanying eBook, including: Labelled image 'stacks' - that allow you to review cross-sectional imaging as if using an imaging workstation Labelled image 'slide-lines' - showing features in a full range of body radiographs to enhance understanding of anatomy in this essential modality Self-test image 'slideshows' with multi-tier labelling - to aid learning and cater for beginner to more advanced experience levels Labelled ultrasound videos - bring images to life, reflecting this increasingly clinically practiced technique Questions and answers accompany each chapter - to test your understanding and aid exam preparation 34 pathology tutorials - based around nine key concepts and illustrated with hundreds of additional pathology images, to further develop your memory of anatomical structures and lead you through the essential relationships between normal and abnormal anatomy
Williams' Basic Nutrition and Diet Therapy 15th by Staci NixFor concise, need-to-know coverage of the most up-to-date topics and research in nutritional care turn to Williams' Basic Nutrition & Diet Therapy, 15th Edition. This market leading text provides coverage of hot topics, emerging trends, and cutting-edge research, plus all the essentials for providing the best nutrition care. And with its conversational writing style, vivid illustrations, and wide array of reader-friendly features you can easily understand how the concepts in the book can be applied in clinical practice. Case studies with accompanying questions for analysis in the clinical care chapters focus your attention on related patient care problems. Cultural Considerations boxes discuss how a patient's culture can affect nutritional concepts in practice. Clinical Applications and For Further Focus boxes highlight timely topics and analyze concepts and trends in depth. Bulleted chapter summaries review highlights from the chapter and help you see how the chapter contributes to the book's "big picture." Diet therapy guidelines include recommendations, restrictions, and sample diets for major clinical conditions. Drug-Nutrient Interactions boxes highlight important safety information and cover topics such as nutritional supplements for athletics, drugs interfering with vitamin absorption, and over-the-counter weight loss aids. Key terms and definitions clarify terminology and concepts critical to your understanding and application of the material. NEW! Completely updated content incorporate the recently released 2015 dietary guidelines, Healthy People objectives, nutrition labels, common weight-loss diets, FDA/CDC statistics/warnings regarding trans fatty acids, disordered eating, and more. NEW! New chapter review questions reflect the latest NCLEX Exam format. Answers to these questions will appear in the appendix. NEW! Rewritten chapters on clinical nutrition take a more application-based approach and feature clarified explanations, enhanced readability, a focus on the most relevant and practical information, and new topics such as energy expenditure calculations, water balance, cirrhosis complications, diet plans for diabetes, and more. NEW! Updated Nutrition and Physical Fitness chapter written by sport dietitian Kary Woodruff reflects the latest research in the field, including new questionnaires used for exercise readiness, current recommendations for energy needs, and nutritional considerations for athletic performance. NEW! Updated Weight Management chapter written by certified adult weight management dietitian Theresa Dvorak reflects the latest research in the field, including the role of genetics, disordered eating, treatments for obesity, and more.
Call Number: ProQuest Ebook Central - Limited 3 Simultaneous Users
Very broad, "google-like" search engine. LRC recommends as student's first research stop! Searches multiple reputable databases for journal articles, books, e-books, and more.
Select "Book Details" and "Explore This Book" to access the Netter Presenter and content. For clinical professionals or students who are learning anatomy, participating in a dissection lab, sharing anatomy knowledge with patients, or refreshing their anatomy knowledge. Illustrations emphasize anatomic relationships that are most important to the clinician in training and practice.
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Database offers head-to-toe and systems physical exam videos with an emphasis on clinical accuracy and patient care.
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CINAHL is an index of journal articles related to allied health, nursing, biomedicine and healthcare. It includes research tools, evidence-based care sheets, quick lessons, and broad support care focus. has been developed by the U.S. National Institutes of Health through its National Library of Medicine, to provide current information about public and private clinical research studies.
A collection of evidence-based medicine databases, including the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews..
The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR) is the leading resource for systematic reviews in healthcare. The CDSR includes Cochrane Reviews (the systematic reviews) and protocols for Cochrane Reviews as well as editorials. The CDSR also has occasional supplements. -Publisher
Clinical reference tool primarily intended for point-of-care (POC) use. With clinically-organized summaries for more than 3,200 conditions, pharmaceuticals, and related topics.
Demographic database designed to assist with evaluating practice sites and areas. Aids in the identification of high potential sites to set up your practice. Login is required. Request School Code/Access Code in LRC.
This authoritative database provides full text, cover-to-cover indexing for journals indexed in MEDLINE. These top journals cover a wide range of subjects within the biomedical and health fields containing information needed by doctors, nurses, health professionals and researchers engaged in clinical care, public health and health policy development.
Large database of scientific and medical research. The LRC licenses full-text journals through OVID. Such as Academic Medicine, Neurology, Spine, Journal of the American Academy of Physician Assistants and Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.
PEDro, the Physiotherapy Evidence Database, is a free database of over 19,000 randomized trials, systematic reviews and clinical practice guidelines in physiotherapy.
"PubMed comprises more than 27 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites." -Website
SPORTDiscus with Full Text is an essential tool for health professionals, researchers and students, providing extensive coverage in the areas of fitness, health and sport studies. -Publisher
Welcome to the SCU WIKI site. This site is a living document that has been implemented and will continue to be developed as a resource for our students’ education.
The American Chiropractic Association (ACA), based in Arlington, VA., is the largest professional association in the United States representing doctors of chiropractic. ACA promotes the highest standards of ethics and patient care, contributing to the health and well-being of millions of chiropractic patients.
The ACA Sports Council is a professional and educational nonprofit organization for active chiropractors who are committed to improving and promoting chiropractic treatment of athletes. We work closely with athletic organizations and allied health professionals to foster better understanding of the value of chiropractic care in sports medicine and treatment.
From webinars, to podcasts, conferences, and ongoing dialogue in the Facebook group, the FTCA is working hard to propel the chiropractic industry forward in a positive way. The leadership and members of the FTCA work hard every day to spur on this movement towards a future where chiropractors are the first option for pain relief.
Motion Palpation Institute is a nonprofit organization, established in 1981 to help Doctors of Chiropractic achieve clinical and financial success. Our innovative educational programs assist Doctors of Chiropractic and those in-training to pursue these goals. We offer patient-centered educational programs worldwide.
The National Board of Chiropractic Examiners, including its International Board of Chiropractic Examiners, is the international testing agency for the chiropractic profession. The NBCE develops, administers and scores standardized exams that assess knowledge, higher-level cognitive abilities and problem-solving in various basic science and clinical science subjects. - Website
R2P is a membership organization with a member base of change-makers and leaders in the fields of rehabilitation, physical medicine, and performance. We are professionals and future professionals who want to bridge the gaps between rehab and performance by integrating principles that span different disciplines.
In an effort to ensure that the next generation of rehab specialists has a strong foundation to build upon, Rehab2Performance has developed R2P clubs at various colleges to help bridge the gap. Our goal is to assist students with access to information and opportunity.
The World Federation of Chiropractic (WFC) is a global not-for-profit organisation that exists to support, empower, promote and unite chiropractors and the chiropractic profession.