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Academic Support

Online Student Checklist


      Have you set up an office/classroom for yourself?

  • Identify a place that is designated for your studies that is separate from the common spaces in your home so that you can go through the routine of going to class, tutoring, and studying?
  • You don’t really need us to tell you that going to class or studying in your bed is a bad idea, right?
  • Don’t have a lot of room in your home? – Designate a corner, a desk, a part of the dining room table. Something you can walk to for study/work and then walk away from at the end of the night.
  • Make sure your space is ergonomic, has good lighting, and has a power source. Also consolidate all your study material in that space.
  • Pro-tip: Set up a signal so that your roommates/family members know that you’re in class or studying and can’t be bothered. Door closed to your study space, your headphones/earbuds are on, a special lamp is turned on – you get the picture.

       Have you set-up your support system?

  • Do the people you live with know what you need from them? – What will it take for you to be successful while you’re taking your classes online?
  • Reach out to your classmates and setup virtual study halls where you can study with each other. Don’t want to talk – that’s ok, sometimes it helps to just know that there’s another person reading and studying when you are.
  • Set up accountability partners to keep each other motivated
  • Pro-tip: Level everyone’s expectations – many of us are now at home with several people trying to figure out their stay-at-home situations. Have a family/house meeting to discuss what everyone needs from one another to rock this stay-at-home period

      Do you have a routine?

  • Are you sleeping and waking up at a regularly scheduled time?
  • Stick to a “getting ready” routine in the morning. Change your clothes! Don’t go to class in the PJs! Brush your teeth, have breakfast, turn on some music, do a workout…get your body and mind ready for the day ahead.
  • Pro-tip: Take advantage of the lack of travel time to campus by meditating, journaling, working out, catching up with your family/friends, walking your dog, etc

       How’s your mind, body, spirit?

  • Are you eating? – Make sure to schedule your meals. Walk away from your devices and sit and enjoy a nourishing meal.
  • Are you eating healthy? – Nourishing doesn’t have to mean complicated. Eat your fruits and vegetables, make a sandwich, have a cup of soup…
  • Are you moving around? – Get up! Take a walk around your complex or your block. Drop and plank for 1 minute. Do some jumping jacks. Throw open that window and get some fresh air.
  • Are you making time to let your mind be still? – Do you journal? Meditate? Yoga? Pray?
  • Are you connecting with your classmates, friends, and family? – Send that text! Set up a video call. Keep those connections.
  • Pro-tip: Allow this time to be about you and taking care of yourself.  Disconnect from the news, make meaningful connections, pick up that hobby or project that you’ve been meaning to do.

       Do you know your resources?

  • All student services are still available to you during this online period. Staff from the Academic Support Office, Learning Resource Center, Registrar, Financial Aid, Student Accounts, and our respective programs are available through email and phone.
  • Schedule a 1:1 appointment with the Academic Support Office or schedule a Tutoring Session by logging into Insight:
  • Dr. Bock is available through phone. Please contact the Academic Support Office Staff for his contact information.