If you reuse previous course work or degrees in research papers you must cite them appropriately, not doing so will result in self plagiarism. If you have made a point or conducted research in one paper that you would like to build on in a later paper, you must cite yourself, just as you would cite the work of others.
Citation managers are tools that allow you to tag and keep track of articles, websites, and books that you have accessed. The citation manager generates citations and bibliographies that can be shared with colleagues and exported to Microsoft Word.
As with technology, there are many options when it comes to citation management tools, here are a few recommendations:
One of the most common problems about citations is what should be cited and how to cite sources. A good rule of thumb is to always cite any idea that is not your own.
This guide will provide basic information and tools on APA citation rules.
The Editors will be used in the text with the date. For reference, the editors will be used in addition to adding Eds in parentheses after the name and before the year published.
Dobbs, A. W., & Sittler, R. L. (Eds.). (2016). Integrating LibGuides into Library Websites.
Lanham, WA: Rowman & Littlefield.
In-text citation
When citing sources that you find from a Point-of-Care Database (e.g. Dynamed, UptoDate) treat the record as if it was a website. You may need to include a retrieval date if the information you viewed is likely to change over time.
General Format
DynaMed Plus
A doi number is a digital object identifier (DOI) this provides a stable, long-lasting link for online articles. They are unique to the document and consist of a long alphanumeric code.
Author or Producer Last Name, First Name Initial, Director Last Name, First Name Initial. (Date of publication).Title of the video/ movie. Country of Origin: Studio or distributor.
Online video (ex. Youtube):
Author or Producer Last Name, First Name Initial. (Year, Month Date). Title of the video. Retrieved from URL.
Figures and images need to be cited to avoid plagiarism. This includes any images and figures that retrieved online (ex. websites, databases, image searches).
Citation guidelines for figures/ images in a research paper
Figure#. Caption (A brief explanation of the figure and how it connects to the paper. The caption information should allow the image to stand alone). Title of the work. (Date of last update{Year, Month Day}). Retrieved from URL.
Online Image
Artist's last name, artist's initials. (Year) Title of Work. Retrieved from URL.